CivicMakers Online Community Gathering
In the wake of COVID-19, the CivicMakers team is doing our best to support each other, our families, our clients and our communities, but it’s not easy. We are facing personal anxiety along with uncertainty about the future of our work, and how best to contribute our time and energy to curbing the spread of both panic, and pandemic. Amidst all of that, though, we also feel a growing sense of solidarity, determination and potential in this moment of shared crisis.
To explore this paradox, we’re inviting our community of friends, partners, clients and colleagues to join us for an online community gathering. Our aim is to hold a safe, supportive space to offset the isolation and anxiety many of us are feeling, while also discussing some of the practicalities of continuing our collective work in this new paradigm.
We’re organizing this call quickly, but here’s a tentative agenda:
- Welcome!
- Poll: How are you responding to coronavirus?
- How this meeting will work
- Poll: What are some of the gaps you perceive in how your organization is responding to coronavirus?
- Breakout groups by topic, with time for personal sharing
- Report backs from breakouts
- Close
We are interested in exploring these topics, but will also solicit additional ideas during the meeting:
- How might we replicate in-person public meetings, community engagement, user research, human-centered design and other gatherings online?
- How might we maintain strong, cohesive team culture while working remotely?
- What other needs or concerns need to be addressed that are not yet being talked about?
- And other topics that emerge during the meeting)
This is our time to come together as one people, to hold each other and dig deep for the energy and insight to move forward. We hope you’ll join us.