Blog Post
Tool Case Study: Developing Personas in the Santa Barbara County Workforce Development Board
The CivicMakers Team led the inaugural Workforce Transformation Corps cohort, in partnership with Make Fast Studio, Jobs for the Future,…
Through this participatory research project, we collaborated with San Francisco agencies and community service providers across four systems of care (housing, workforce, social services and public health) to identify strategies to better connect people experiencing homelessness with employment services.
“This has been a tremendous effort and exceeds expectations of what I expected we’d be able to accomplish through your involvement in this planning grant. This may change the game when it comes to connecting our unhoused to workforce services that can set them on a path to stability.“
Noelle Simmons Chief Deputy Director, San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing
The CivicMakers Team led the inaugural Workforce Transformation Corps cohort, in partnership with Make Fast Studio, Jobs for the Future,…
The CivicMakers Team led the inaugural Workforce Transformation Corps cohort, in partnership with Make Fast Studio, Jobs for the Future,…
The CivicMakers Team led the inaugural Workforce Transformation Corps cohort, in partnership with Make Fast Studio, Jobs for the Future,…
The CivicMakers Team led the inaugural Workforce Transformation Corps cohort, in partnership with Make Fast Studio, Jobs for the Future,…